November 10, 2011

rich and creamy and way easier than you think. it took me exactly two minutes to make!
i can spare two minutes to get a jar of i-know-exactly-what's-in-this mayo.

now two things before you start.
1) set your egg on the counter a couple hours ahead of time. a room temperature egg will ensure the mayo gets properly whisked and thickened.
2) i have read that macadamia nut oil is perfect for making mayonnaise because of its mild flavor, but i used olive oil. because who keeps macadamia nut oil in their lazy susan?

homemade mayonnaise
2 raw egg yolks*
1 cup of oil
sea salt to taste
lemon juice to taste
dash of vinegar, mustard, herbs, or garlic

add your room temperature egg to a food processor or blender, turn on, and start pouring the oil in.. slowly, slowly. take at least a full minute to pour the entire cup in. mayo should be looking thick, and will thicken a bit more in the fridge. add salt and lemon and seasonings to taste at the end. store in a glass jar in the fridge up to 2 weeks.
use on sandwiches and burgers, in deviled eggs, for making chicken salad, or with leftover Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry sauce.

*if you can, please use a pastured egg from a trusty source! raw yolks are super healthy and safe when coming from a pastured egg. hop over here to read about pastured vs. free-range eggs. happily, we have found a few local farmers who supply us with eggs every week!


Tawnya S said...

So excited about this. I've always loved the zip of miracle whip too...I wonder what to add to give it that zing.

summer said...

ooh good idea, tawnya! maybe some vinegar or garlic or cayenne?

sheena said...

You are AWESOME!!! I love this. I need to find a good place to get eggs around here.....

Laura said...

This looks awesome - does it separate at all when it's been in the fridge, or does it just stay lovely and thick? :)

Anonymous said...

you're a genius. any thoughts on how long this would keep in the fridge?

Tesa said...

Always wanted to make my own mayo~ just never researched how to do it. You made it look so easy! There is a freshly laid egg on my counter waiting for me to give it a try...

summer said...

@laura.. lovely and thick in my fridge! :)

@elise.. up to two weeks!

Anonymous said...

yep. so sorry. Totally missed that in the original post. thank you.

Creole Wisdom said...

I was just thinking about trying my hand at this, thanks for the pointers. Homemade mayo just sounds so... luxurious!

[eeny] said...

I never made homemade mayonnaise but I am sure going to give it a try.

I have made sauce hollandaise though and I am never going back to store bought one. Just so much better.

GraceYves said...

Wow, I had no idea it was so simple. We do not have a food processor however, would a blender work?

Jordan and Jandee said...

Doesn't making fresh mayo just make you feel like Julia Child? Love this image, BTW.

Mariel said...

thanks for saying hi summer!! so fun to hear from you :) dinner turned out great and i DEFINITELY would love that chicken recipe :) have a great weekend!

Kelly said...

made some this afternoon. I made it with half lemon grapeseed and half olive oil. Aside from the slighty green hue it turned out well. I hope the flavors meld better as it sits.



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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