April 15, 2014
I like words. Words are one of my many love languages. But lately there isn't a predictable chunk of time for me to sit and spill words here on the blog. There's no rhythm to this spot right now, and I thrive on rhythm. 

But I can't keep waiting for a window of time to appear to restore a rhythm, because that's driving me crazy! I feel like my mind is constantly in queue. There's always a box on my mental to-do list that's left unchecked. Enough with that. Here's what I do have time for: a quick Instagram post while I'm sitting on the couch with my babies. So, in an attempt to create some flow and bolster the blog in between "real blog posts," I've decided I will start streaming in some of my daily photo posts from Instagram. They will be very short, just a picture and a caption, but they'll be undeniably real and meaningful (to me, at least). If you already follow me on Instagram (@summerharms), feel free to scroll past these insta-posts :)

I just accomplished this. Swaddling + nursing + ball bouncing + white noise = sleep!
My littlest love is 3 months old today. #caspersleeping #enjoyeverystage


Katherine said...

Wouldn't it be nice if all us moms lived nearby and could just pop into eachother's houses for a few minutes to talk about dinner and Jesus while we nurse our babes? I do look forward to your posts though - they're the next best thing.



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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