April 8, 2014
You guys, I'm bursting. So much to say and share. My heart has been getting an overhaul lately and I'm dying to put it to words here. I think I may have to start a regular series on these heart issues, because Jesus keeps giving me new stuff to sort out. Also, Grant is the only adult I talk to on a normal day, so my word bank is just plain overflowing. But first, some news and some history..

Last year the Lord laid something on my heart: His promises. If you were reading my blog back then, you saw how He settled my focus. Everything I read seemed to point me back to His promises. I saw Him teaching me how vital and practical they are and I felt him pressing me to know them, claim them, and put them to use. I picked 50 of my favorites and made these cards as a tool to help me do this.

Over the last year, these little cards have been laying in my lap, washi taped to my mirror, flicked through at the table, and propped by our sink. They've been a tangible thing to help turn my mind toward the intangible, something I could physically touch and hold on to. They've been used in sickness, in times of joyful healing, during confusing and scary situations, while I was in labor with Casper, and in times when I was hurting for family members. But most of the time I use them simply because I need Jesus's help to get through the day and fight against sin and be a good mama to my babies. It is in these moments, when I humble myself before Him and see His Word at work, that's when these promises became my passion and big part of who I am. The cards are merely a tool, but they do help get these words down deep into my heart -- to a place where I know I can grab at them whenever I need them.

If you think the 50 Promises would be a helpful tool for you, too, you can hop over to my shop. I brought them back after a few months of maternity leave and they're shipping now! Just in time for spring and Mother's Day and babies and new mamas. (I have a lot of friends on the brink of labor -- can you tell where my mind is?!) We sent out the first spring batch yesterday. Huge thanks to all of you who already placed orders!

Love, Summer


Ang said...

hooray! I love my 50 promises - they sit on our main kitchen counter, the "hub" of our home and have encouraged me time and time and time again! thanks for making these beautiful little gems. :)

emily o. said...

I know I've said this before, but I am so thankful that you created these! They are just the best for gifts. In fact, I ended up giving my set away to a friend, so I need to stock up on more!

Laura Murphy said...

What a wonderful expression of your heart!

Thanks for sharing.

I just posted my very healthy chocolate pound cake recipe. It got so modified (with coconut oil, etc.) that I couldn't help but think of you when I wrote it out. You might like it.

We are still loving your sprouted-lentil chicken stew recipe. So, so yummy.

Alejandra said...

These are so lovely! My mom would love them--I ordered her a set! Thank you!

Breanne said...

Just got mine in the mail today! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I just got mine a couple days ago and found myself rereading them over and over through a very sleep deprived day yesterday. I can tell already they are going to end up well worn with love from years of remembering his promises.



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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