something just because it's on sale.
except for one thing. my all-time favorite cereal.
i let out a gasp at walmart last weekend when i saw that it was on sale.
within 2 seconds, it was in our cart.
it makes me happy that i'm still as excited about it as i was when i was 10.
yay for little thrills at the grocery store.
sometimes i don't mind if things are artificially flavored or loaded with sugar.
but ctc is made with whole grain wheat now,
(bonus.. so are chocolate teddy grahams)
so it's probably not that nutritionally different from the other cereals.
but i don't even care about that stuff when it comes to ctc, right?
right. it's just good. and that's all that matters. the end.
ps. while we're discussing breakfasty matters,
one of my most favorite stocking stuffers from this past christmas was..
a box of blueberry pop-tarts. mmm.
i save them for moments of weakness during american idol,
when i'm desperate for a sugar fix & all the cookies are gone.
pps. on a different note. bon anniversaire to my dear friend, rebecca!
march 12 just isn't the same without a celebration for you.
miss you lots. je t'aime.
20% more free!!!!
It truly is the best cereal. I eat it for dessert.
mmmmmmm...i've been hooked on cereal at night for the past couple of weeks...we just got golden grahams, and they are even BETTER than CTC! not kidding. try it. mmmmmmm.
Thanks, Sum! Je t'aime beaucoup!