the list | number seven
667. smelling coffee in public places
024. the feeling of having earned something
265. a maraschino cherry floating by my straw
650. being tucked in
030. hot dogs on the grill. with a side of baked beans.
621. late night car rides
678. watching moms push strollers on the sidewalk
682. layovers. with an ipod in my ear.
148. outdoor malls on a sunny day
680. having a new space to make mine
525. waiting for our order at a restaurant. preferably in a booth.
407. putting a brand new blade on my razor
626. the smell of the oven preheating
643. stainless steel countertops
526. e! true hollywood stories
659. chocolate graham crackers. specifically chocolate teddy grahams.
536. finding chores i enjoy
637. reorganizing a bulletin board
625. purses that are easy to find things in
642. half capp. + half decaf. from the fountain. in a gas station.
i LOVE the idea of the list! i just searched all of your posts tagged as such and think this idea is spectacular.
have you ever visited the Three Beautiful Things blog?
every day, she posts three things about her day that she's grateful for. it's like a study in gratitude.. but they're written so beautifully, a lot of them turn out to be very unexpected but awesom things.
i am in love with this list. i think i'll start one of my own to remind me of all the good/beautiful/happy things there are in the world. thank you so much for the inspiration. (also, i'm totally with you on the booth at a restaurant bit. beats a table any day!)
I love being tucked in and my honey does it regularly! He also loves car rides in the evening so we do that as often as we can.
What is number 01?
i love your list so much! {love!}it inspired me to start my own and i find it so refreshing to walk through my days being more aware of all the little things that bring me joy! i do find though that i struggle to remember to write it all down...do you carry your journal with you everywhere you go in case you happen upon something you love?
thanks for sharing
I love your simple lists :)
i love your ongoing lists. dan tucks me in all the time. it's bliss. and i had to tell you, i bought chocolate Teddy Grahams because of this post. merci.
happy weekend.
i see i've already commented. but i must say, yes, yes, i love e true hollywood stories too. i am such a fan of getting the 'behind the scene' scoop. xo.