October 15, 2009
surprise stop-in! just had to share something sweet that my sister showed me.
my good friend darrin, who is a senior at SCAD, has a wicked bumper entry for the savannah film festival this year. way to go, darrin. you can watch the video here, and if you feel like you want to give him five stars for his rad work (you know i do), please pop over here. hope you're having a fabulous thursday. more soon.. summer.


Anneliese said...

we must have hit publish simultaneously! haha! nice post :)

Anonymous said...

love this! i love everything that comes out of SCAD. and i LOVE your new house! congratulations : ) can't wait to see it all decorated, especially for the holidays!

ALFIE said...

love this!

hope you're having a fabulous visit with the fam! looking forward to the pumpkin post :)

p.s. was the newest martha worthwhile?



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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