May 5, 2014
Grant and I were a sorting machine last night!!! Yep, all of your 50 Promises are hand-sorted and stacked and taped and stuffed at our kitchen table in the late night hours ;) At the moment, I'm crazy behind on laundry, but all caught up on orders! You guys. Thank you, thank you. We are overwhelmed by how many are coming in. If you placed a 50 Promises order this weekend or today, it's headed your way right now! I hope that they'll make a great addition to your arsenal of promises.
And there's still time to get in on our Mother's Day sale, if you haven't yet!
I told my husband I was treating myself to these for Mother's Day this year. I just finished my latest book of devotionals so I'm excited to use these as a guide now too :)
And thank you thank you for all your hardwork putting these 50 promises together!
that's awesome! do you find that kind of repetitive motion soothing? i do! also, pretty cards, good words.