been wondering what grant has been up to this summer?
mostly mowing. cutting down trees. teaching campfire cooking. serving peach cobbler out of dutch ovens. making the camp video. wearing his blue basketball shorts. fixing toilets. giving tube rides. doing the skit night show. dressing up in cowboy hats, police uniforms, and war games wigs. talking about football season with the guys. getting super tan. being really handsome. and stealing my pillow after i get up in the morning. (but i don't mind. i think it's pretty cute.)
he's been one busy guy! is he looking forward to school?!! probably not! nice to see pictures of Grant, and what he's been up to! thanks for sharing!
grant= super tan and super built.
like i have to tell his adoring wife. camp must be such a great and uplifting experience for your marriage.
I can't believe your camp days are almost over for the summer. You two must be sad, but I'm sure you are looking forward to going home also. No matter how fun camp is I'm sure there's no place like home. That pic of the puppers eating off the table is adorable!
he is so cute and seems so sweet. you too are blessed :)
you've got yourself one handsome hubby there! what a busy summer you guys have had!