for the lovers of simple desserts, i happily share cornflake clusters. an adventure in reshaping the haystack. a christmas classic, and my favorite.

1 1/2 c. butterscotch chips
1. melt peanut butter and butterscotch chips in saucepan over low heat, stirring often.
2. pour in desired amount of cornflakes and mix into melted peanut butter and chips. i start with 2 or 3 cups of cereal, and then if it looks too soupy i add more from there. just make sure all the flakes will be completely coated by the yumminess.
3. drop by teaspoonfuls onto a wax paper-covered cookie sheet.
4. place in freezer for about 5 minutes to firm.
5. after you take them out, pluck them from your cookie sheet.
6. pile them into your favorite tupperware vessel or handy ziploc bag & enjoy. store in fridge or freezer, because they are way better cold and crispy.
you have to stop with these irresistible recipes!! i haven't even got around to making the peanut butter and chocolate balls yet =(
have a great great weekend!
i know this may not be as good without it, but is there another way to make these without the peanut butter?? What would be a good substitute (if anything) to help keep it "glued" together in a sense? Let me know!
Lauren :)
My dad grew up with these cookies and Grandma T. still makes them. We've always called them Janousek cookies. I also totally love them!
i made these this morning.
oh my god.
i was in heaven.
oh my, i must whip these up. simply delicsh. and very cute font. woohoo!