January 5, 2009
I'm officially back from Christmas vacation and returning to my normal posting schedule. But nothing feels normal at all.
I can't seem collect my thoughts enough to write a post worth reading, but will try anyway.
Here we are already, the first Monday in the new year. Happy 2009, everyone! You've all probably gone back to your normal lives and are perfectly situated with new & exciting pursuits, along with the old faithfuls. I, on the other hand, am still in an 08 daze. I tried to poise myself over the rest of the week, but fear I am bombing belly first anyway. It is taking me awhile to reorient myself to my own house after being gone last week. 'Oh, yeah..' I say to myself, 'I make the meals and do the dishes. Not Mom. Remember?' Even making a grocery list proved to be a daunting task. This is the problem with me taking breaks, I come back feeling slightly clueless.
Grant headed back to school today & I decided to keep to my stable routine of doing all the laundry on Monday morning. I also joined the thousands of people seeking to fulfill 09 resolutions & banish holiday-eating guilt at the gym. January will be a crowded month for the elliptical machine junkies. I'm hoping that everyone will remember to be polite & sanitize after sweaty hands leave the heart rate sensors.{confession: I'm afraid I have most of the symptoms of germaphobia, in its earliest stages.}
Oh, and something else to report: happily, my body is recovering from a week of reckless, indulgent eating (which is both fun & punishing, at the same time). Eating meals at abnormal times of the day, skipping lunch, snacking, drinking pop, & consuming lavish amounts of sugar... all combined to produce in me what Dad entitled, "bodily confusion about food." My taste buds & stomach seem to go numb after a day or so of eating like that. I couldn't discern what sounded good, which foods were my favorite, which ones were worth chewing, or if I even needed sustenance? But, now we're back to the norm. Am thriving with my water bottle & apple slices.
Excited to embark on 2009 & fill up the margins of my life by doing some writing. Right here.
Thanks for reading!
p.s. the quote above is from her book at home in mitford, which is the first in my favorite series


Rachel said...

Welcome back! This is a particularly disorienting Monday, I think. It's going to take a while to settle back in.

haley said...

i love this post. and you.

pve design said...

good to know that I am not alone on this monday!
happy 2009 and may tuesday go swimmingly!

have a lovely said...

amen sister!! I am in the same boat...but I whipped up some tasty sweet dip for my apple slices...can't quite give up the sugar!

happy happy new year deary!!

Blair Friedeman said...

What a great quote! All I have to say is that I am so happy tomorrow is Friday.



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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