January 16, 2009
i tell myself on a regular basis that i would like to add more dresses
to my wardrobe. i am not very brave when it comes to the wearing of
clothes. i am distrustful of hats and other items that require self-
confidence. i am inclined to be "safe" with what i wear. you know,
blend in. basically, i am trying to be boring. well, it's time to step out
of my comfort zone.
dresses. i would like to wear them whenever i want and not feel
overdressed. i want to make them so much a part of my normal
apparel, that it's no big deal to slip one on and be in front of people
and be myself. women used to live in dresses. and why not? they
make one feel so feminine and put-together. there's a whole world of
ladylike out there, wish me luck as i venture out to find it & attempt
bravery as i wear it.
this year i am going to make a conscious effort to check the sale
racks wherever i go, and start loading up. i have already started my
collection with a couple of casuals that i picked up on clearance.
perfect for flip-flops and running errands. my next goal is to find a
couple of classy basics for weddings & other formal gatherings. and if i
had all the money in the world, i know where i would purchase these
sophisticated threads... shabby apple. a couple of my favorites are the
rita hayworth & the nine to five (on sale & also comes in black!), but
i am smitten with so many others. if i weren't so happy with being on
a budget & didn't suffer from such intense buyer's remorse, i would
surely indulge over at that delightful dress boutique. i have to remind
myself though, that part of the fun for me is finding a little treasure,
tucked away in the back corner, between two intertwined hangers, the
only one left, marked with an incredible price. that is matchless
i will be sure to keep you posted if any progress is made with the task
of dressing up my wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree with you more! i don't know if you stated this along with the many pros of dresses...but (for the most part)they are so comfortable!

Mrs. Buck said...

I totally agree! I work in an office that is Very casual, and sometimes I wish we were a little dressier because I would love to get some nice work dresses to wear. Maybe I'll just have to go for it! Good luck and keep us updated on the dresses you find!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Ooh dresses. I always think the same thing. My Oma didn't go to the grocery store without a dress, hat and white gloves. Real Simple. Real Life. just had an episode where the woman had a lovely makeover of colorful and affordable, jewelry and dresses.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Love that black dress! Chic, elegant, but sophisticated.

please sir said...

I probably need to wear more dresses too, but the temp in our office fluctuates so much that I never know what's a good day to go for it!

Courtney said...

I love this dress; what a classic piece!

I completely agree about the overdressed-dress conundrum. Whenever I see a woman in a pretty dress I don’t think “Wow. She’s overdressed,” I think “What a pretty dress.” However, when I stand in front of my closet looking at the dresses I own I think “I can’t wear that: it’s too dressy.” Sigh.

This might be one of my new year’s resolutions! Gaining the confidence to wear a dress any time I feel like it.

Thanks for this post: I’m glad I’m not alone.

Anonymous said...

I know just what you mean about dresses making you feel just a little more put together! I found a couple long jersey dresses over the holidays and they are PERFECT for wearing around the house to be comfortable, but then slipping on some ballet flats when you have to run an errand. Good for you for getting outside your comfort zone!

Tesa said...

What a fun post, Summer. I have been wanting to comment, but never got back to it. Now that I do, I see many of your readers are echo-ing the same idea! :) For some time now I,too, have been dreaming of wearing more dresses- just for everyday wear. Fun to see the idea is lurking in the back of so many women's minds! Perhaps your goal will inspire all of us! Keep us updated in your progress!

Tesa said...

By the way... I LOVE this line:

"I have to remind myself though, that part of the fun for me is finding a little treasure, tucked away in the back corner, between two intertwined hangers, the only one left, marked with an incredible price. That is matchless satisfaction."

I couldn't agree more! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes. I LOVE Shabby Apple! Lovely dresses at really great prices. This one is fabulous!



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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