news from the weekend.. i am addicted to pride & prejudice.
i go through a p&p phase every once in awhile. it's a normal thing.
that particular dvd spent the majority of the sat. & sun. in the player.
queuing up, playing through, on pause. i just kept coming back to it.
do the dishes. watch the dance scene. make the bed. watch the pemberley part.
if i were still living with my sisters, we would make it movie of the month.
we'd press play while we get ready for bed & fall asleep to it every night.
we'd have dreams of lizzie & darcy & have it memorized in no time.
as i'm no longer a part of the fall-asleep-to-a-movie club, i must revamp.
it's hard for me to fall asleep without music. grant is so understanding.
he came up with brilliant way for me to have my music,
without keeping my computer on all night long & without keeping him awake.
so here's how i rock myself to sleep..
1. make a sleeping playlist. (naturally, mine features the p&p soundtrack)
if you need some suggestions for songs, let me know.
i've made many a go-to-sleep compilation.
2. borrow your husband's dandy ipod mini speaker. (thanks grant!)
3. plug it in. give it a home on your nightstand. press play.
4. turn down the volume. turn on the shuffle feature.
5. mellow out. fall asleep. sweet dreams.
ps. also on repeat.. captivated by shawn mcdonald.
no, this isn't one for your sleeping playlist.
and yes, i know that this is so last year.
Hi again, thankyou so much for your comment!
The only way I got through Redeeming Love so quickly is because I was on half term (I work in a school and we have holidays half way through each term), so had plenty of time to spend hours upon hours reading - a rare but wonderful pleasure!
Remember the first time you watched Pride at our house? Bec and I loved it so much that we wanted to share it with our best friends and we were overjoyed to find out it would become one of your favorites too! We watched the whole thing in that one sleep over. Awesome.
What P&P version do you love? I've only read the book but I'm ready to watch the movie....there are quite a few versions though!
sarah.. i remember that wonderful first time! oh, it was SO good! probably one of our best sleepovers ever, don't you think? i love how we found so many great movies together.
laura.. first of all, the book is brilliant. i LOVE it. i should read it again!
secondly, there are two movie versions that i really enjoy watching.
1. the A&E version with Colin Firth. it's 6 hours long & wonderfully detailed. follows the book very well.
2. the version that came out in theatres a couple of years ago with Keira Knightley & Matthew MacFadyen. it has gorgeous cinematography & lovely music. recounts the story beautifully, in only 2 hours.
hope one of these suits you & have fun watching!
I went through a phase like that with Sense and Sensibility-- I would even come home during my long lunch break from school to watch it :)
Sounds like you and your sis' have (had) a sweet tradition, and you new one sounds good too (I used to always fall asleep listening to music, but in college with one roommate in particular I stopped. I haven't regularly since, but I still do from time to time.)