April 3, 2009
april seems to make all the difference.
i am now letting myself think about the end of school,
the start of camp, & our upcoming vacation. exciting.
march just seemed too early. april is just right.
so many things to look forward to. 
let the anticipation flow. let the good times loom.
but this particular april has me looking back, too.
with the turn of a calendar page, i'm suddenly remembering. 
reminiscing about where i was last april. 
living in my made-up world of wedding plans
jamming to imogen & natasha bedingfield in my car
brown bagging it
living 236 miles away from grant
talking on my old razor & racking up the minutes
watching my left hand sparkle in the sun 
madly making lists. crossing off. counting down.
writing thank you notes
going to nancy's house for dress fittings
planning the last sleepover with the best friends
working full-time at an allergy clinic
listening to maroon 5 in medical records
a few weeks away from quitting my job
using my ne drivers' license
making phone calls. asking favors.
realizing all the little things one must map out
sometimes wishing we had decided to elope
sweeping the target aisles with a list in my head & plastic gun in my hand
a month away from moving out
soaking up the last days of home life
still making time to watch top chef
living for the weekends when grant would visit
crying as i watched him drive away on sunday nights
freaking out about flowers
squeezing in a rendezvous or two with the pow-wow
visiting the mac counter, picking out perfect eyes for the big day
spending my wed. nights @ church with 4-year-olds
using the treadmill in my parents' basement
racing to get ready for bed & wait for the nightly call from grant
falling asleep with my cell smashed between ear & pillow
filling up my red wedding-stuff-only portfolio
sharing a bathroom with 3 other girls
eating less sugar
using excel to line up & time out the ceremony
reading books about understanding my future husband
attending lovely showers thrown by lovely people
feeling overwhelmed by the generosity of my fam & friends
dreaming of not always having something to do
one bedroom away from my sisters
praying. a lot.
close to being done with all the red tape.
wanting to be a wife.


kristi said...

That was beautiful.....you are so good with words!

Kelli said...

I agree with Kristi, you are a great writer.

Ashley said...

Oh I know those feelings well. I was there a year ago, too! Except for a year ago today, because that's when we were married..

Christina said...

Brings back oh-so-sweet memories of three of Augusts ago...

We did long distance too. It was one of the hardest and yet one of the best things for our relationship.

Jessica said...

I've just popped over from Marta and loving your blog! :) I did long distance - I think at around 600 miles for 3.5 years and completely worth it. :)

Bekah: said...

What a sweet post, you captured all the excitment of a wedding!



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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