May 25, 2011

fooled you.
my absence from this spot has not been due to a recent birth. that was mean of me! i'm sorry. i've just kinda been in the zone lately. the "before a baby" zone. it's a fun place. but i've been in too deep to actually finish and press "post" on the 6 blog posts that i've started. which reminds me- i have new pancakes to tell you about. don't let me forget. (thanks to you sweet people who've been thinking about me. i love your emails and prayers!) 

so, is it even may anymore? don't ask me. i don't have a clue about time. i'm just hanging out. in the zone. here, the days fill themselves without any prompting from me. there's been phone calls and pilates, laundry and dishes, movies and the music man soundtrack, check-ups and chipotle, bread dough and pizza crust, calcium and magnesium, walking and water. (by the gallon.) there's a lot of sleeping late and visits to the bathroom, too. and before i know it, i end up in bed at night, finished with some stuff.

i feel really peaceful as we enter this waiting period. i know it could be a long time, but i also know it could be any time. and i'm just so curious! i can't help smiling about it. while the mystery continues, my goals are to stay comfy and healthy and keep growing this happy, hiccuping baby. and maybe to keep on not crossing my legs. and to keep eating every couple hours. both of these jobs prove harder than they sound. but by the way, i am feeling great.. praise the Lord for that!

it's cool and cloudy today. i almost turned on the heat in our house, but instead threw on a big sweatshirt and socks and will be spending the afternoon baking cookies. i can't stop thinking about peanut butter and oats together. i've also been in the mood to turn on a movie lately, just to have something in the background. if there are any good ones that i should be dvr-ing, let me know what you know. :)

more soon! (unless, of course... you know.)


Dee said...

So glad to hear all is still well with you! I must admit, the thought crossed my mind that the little one may have made his/her appearance!
I'm about 6 weeks behind you and not quite in the calm place you are. I still feel like it's coming quickly and I haven't done everything I need to.

Liz said...

Summer! You had me so fooled! :) But I am glad to hear that you are "in the zone." It's nice to take a break from blogging for awhile.

By the way, I tried out Shena's peanut butter oatmeal cookies, per your recommendation. OH MY GOODNESS. The hubs and I think they are marvelous. Thank you!

Praying for you ;)

Hannah said...

I've been missing your daily posts, Summer, and you did have me wondering whether baby Harms had arrived.
It's wonderful to read about how calm you are feeling about it all, and that you are enjoying - and have enjoyed - every stage of your pregnancy.
I pray that all would go smoothly with the birth & that you would know God's grace on you as a woman who was created for this job!

kristin said...

i was wondering, and thought to myself "she needs to schedule the posts so they come out regularly so i don't keep checking if she had a baby" - obviously for my selfish reasons.
with my previous pregnancies, i couldn't even call my parents the last couple weeks without them answering the phone relatively breathless. so funny. (but i know how that is because i was the same way with my sister! anticipation... so exciting)

Carrie Rollins said...

We wanna see some pictures of the baby's nursery! :)

Unknown said...

the last few days before my baby arrived were so amazing. enjoy this "me" time & take care of yourself! looking forward to 'the' post!

Moments and Impressions said...

Love that wall color. It is such a happy one. Enjoy your zone and cookie baking... all I can think of now is cookies. Tomorrow.

jularun7 said...

such an incredible time. love every moment ... we are all so excited for you!



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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