August 22, 2012
1. My newest app. Meet Taskboard, where I now keep my to-do list, weekly menu, grocery list, forgettables, blog ideas, prayer list, notes & inspiration, etc. I needed something to get me organized for fall, and this is IT. I love how simple it is- just boards and cards. No calendar, no schedule, only add a due date if you really want to. You might like it. (or LOVE it. That is the only other option.)

2. Days of being home. A whole week- all of us together, no school yet. We make meals together, run errands together, sit out in the yard together. It's maybe my favorite week of the year.

3. The new frisbee golf course in our tiny town. The sweetest little place! We've been heading over there after supper every night this week. I love summer evenings that are perfect for long sleeves and shorts.

4. Summer Squash. Pretty yellow summer squash. So fun and slick to chop. Really good sauteed with garlic. and I like it even better when I put it in the food processor for a quick mince after it's sauteed. 

5. Naps. Regularly. 

6. The Ratatouille soundtrack. And any soundtrack from Michael Giacchino. I also enjoy Up, The Incredibles, and The Family Stone. Perfect dinner-making music! Make a new Pandora station, please. 

7. Praying with my husband.

8. Doing around-the-house projects with my handy man: re-arranging a new guest room, hanging stuff on our walls, spray painting mirror frames, planting trees... 

9. Planting TREES! One of Grant's favorite things in life. We are so excited. We chose a scarlet jewel maple for the front yard and a sweet little plum tree in the backyard. And now we're constantly looking out the windows to admire them. yaaay!

10. Summertime. The end of it, perhaps, but it's still awesome.
What are you loving lately?


Kaitlyn Luce said...

When you said planting trees it made me think of this song:



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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