last week. the minute grant got home from work that day, he could tell that i was in the middle of a major mess. i needed paper towels- we were completely out- and i needed them fast. before he could even set down his backpack, i asked if he could go get some from the store, and he very nicely agreed. such a great guy, that grant.
when he returned he told me that he had picked out something for me, and he pulled out a box of chocolate teddy grahams. i gasped. he said that he'd read my blog at his desk earlier and had seen them on the list i had posted. let me tell you, those teddies completely won me over. i was no longer focused on the clean-up or the frustration, just my kind husband. how sweet of him to think of me when i had selfishly asked him to run an errand the second he walked in the door, before i even gave him a kiss hello. shame on me.
had grant not read my blog that day, there may not have been any teddies in that grocery sack, and i would still think he's an incredibly sweet guy. just the same, i want to say a big thank you to him for reading the words i write here everyday. that means the world to me. thank you for being interested in what i have to say. i like thinking about you reading my posts while you sit at your desk. and i especially like when you tell me that you like what you read. you're my most important critic. also, a shout out to blogger for ulterior benefits of the blog. like a surprise box of cheer-me-up chocolate teddy grahams.
oh, and the chocolate milk right there next to the box of teddies was also from grant. he brought home one of those cute little half pint cartons you get with your chili crispito in the school lunch line. skim chocolate milk.. be still my heart. i tossed a single ice cube into that frothy sweetness and it was perfection. mm. when else do i get to have chocolate milk? it doesn't exactly fit into my grocery fund. i consider it an ultra-luxury. right up there with orange juice. grant, it's the little gifts like this that are unforgettable to me. thank you.
last night. i want to remember forever what our evenings are like these days. just the two of us. being out on our own and living by our rules. like last night: grant picked me up at the gym and told me of all his exciting purchases at the grocery store, like bread on sale for 41 cents and a 3 lb. container of the potato salad he loves. i told him that i had worked on my triceps. we found something highly fascinating (and top secret) on a page of webspace, so we hopped in the car to go check it out. we came home and laid on the couch and didn't think about what time it was or what we should be doing. just enjoyed being together. we ate cereal on the floor while watching the finales of the office & 30 rock. grant sang his own rendition of heartless and inserted my name wherever he could fit it in. he made me laugh because he is adorable without even trying. i slipped a surprise slice of bacon onto his normal turkey sandwich and put it in the fridge for him to tote to school in the morning. we brushed our teeth together and talked about our first date and how the rest of the school year is going to be cake. it was a good night. i love living with grant.
Sometimes the little things mean the most. Have a great weekend!
i love cereal for dinner nights!
summer this post just made me smile. :) doesn't the little things like surprise teddy grahams just make you fall head over heels all over again?! grant's little surprise reminds me of a quote-"its not the gift of the lover as much as the love of the giver." -don't know who said it, but it came from a little book we received as a gift when we got married). sounds like the 2 of y'all are best friends and always try to put each other before self.
p.s. i'm thinkin' pam + jim have a bun in the oven ... whoa. :O
this made me cry. but a happy cry. :-)
what a sweet post! my guy takes the time to read my blog installments too...and it makes my heart happy!
i came across a quote today that i thought you might enjoy....
'i believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, and inspiration'
-berne brown
happy weekend summer!
never take for granted the true blessing of being in such a wonderful relationship!!
as for the chocolate teddy grahams::: I usually eat them AS cereal! Pour some milk over them, let them get a little soggy, eat, then drink the chocolate milk when you're finished....it's as close as you'll get to being a kid again!
Adorable post -- gotta love lazy nights with no obligations when you can just enjoy the company of someone you love. :)
oh yes.
how could you be so cruel.