April 22, 2014

I'm writing this on the eve of my birthday, because I'm not sure if there will be time to stop and jot it down tomorrow. The night before my birthday I like to straighten the house, empty the kitchen sink, fold my clothes neatly, and generally do all the things. I think it's my attempt at a "perfect" day- where all the work is done the night before. :) Birthdays just make me want to get all my affairs in order. Speaking of which, I want to record where I'm at in life right now. A real diary entry. I like to do this every year and always hope I can think of things that I will look back on and laugh about someday. 

  • Right now I'm at the computer desk with a jar of almond butter and a banana. 
  • I'm wearing yoga pants and a zip-up hoodie because that's my uniform.
  • My hair is in a pony tail and it's the longest it's ever been! No bangs, and not really any layers. My toe nails are blue.
  • I just got done trimming Grant's neck and now he's finishing the rest of his haircut.
  • It's 8:49 and my son (3 months) and daughter (2.8 years) are sleeping. They are my job and my joy. Somedays, it's easy to forget one or the other.
  • I'm listening to a playlist that's a mix of Andy McKee, Nat King Cole, and the soundtrack from the movie Sabrina, but I've really been loving John Mayer's older albums lately.
  • Our computer is humming at the moment because we're importing a bunch of old home videos from my childhood.
  • Signs of aging: I went to Target and only shopped the kids' clothes. I take magnesium, talk about retirement funds and life insurance with my husband, and I need new bath towels. 
  • My birthday requests this year: coconut milk ice cream and a pair of jeans that fit me. Also, there will probably be a big bowl of guacamole while watching a movie with my favorite guy. 
  • Plans for the near future: buy/borrow a baby carrier, go to the dentist, hang some stuff on our walls (finally!), and support Grant through his upcoming eye surgery and the busy month of May. 
  • In the past year I think I've gotten better at: thawing meat in time for dinner. 
  • In the next year I want to get better at: trusting Him, not getting angry, not judging, world geography.
  • I feel rich when: the fridge is loaded with avocados, my husband is home and his evening is free, the silverware drawer is full of clean forks and spoons, the promises of God are proven faithful in our life.
  • Guilty pleasures: long showers, good typography, negative space, uninterrupted time to do creative things, British dramas, the dark chocolate lover's bar from Trader Joe's, Parks and Recreation, word games, coconut oil on everything, the Oscars. 
  • This is the latest picture of me. (Half of me, that is.) Casper and I took a nap together (which never happens) and I woke up first!
  • I'm currently reading 7 by Jen Hatmaker and loving it. I'm ready to start recycling and purging our house. 
  • I've started keeping a quote book and it's filling up fast. There's a lot of John Piper in it already. 
  • We don't have cable this year. And it's been great. How did we have time for it before?
  • I'm making this maple mustard chicken and these roasted Brussels sprouts for my birthday dinner.
  • We still only have one car -- the same car! It's been a blessing. 
  • About Time is my favorite recently-seen movie. 
  • We are planning on living and working at Camp Shetek again this summer! Actually, Grant will be the only one "on staff" this year, and I'll be full-time mom and wifey. 
  • And lastly, but certainly the most powerful thing to note: Jesus. He is keeping me, teaching me, loving me. He has been made more real to me in this year. I love Him better than I did before, because I see that I need Him more, and more and more. Everyday, I need Him more. Jesus, keep on making me grow up in You. Let this be a year of Your glory.   

Jeremiah 32:38-41 And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them. I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they may not turn from me. I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul.

Happy, happy birthday to my twin sister Haley! She is my first friend and one of the greatest gifts in my life. I love every thing about this girl and am so grateful I get to do life with her.


Magical and Beautiful said...

Happy birthday beautiful mama!!!

Magical and Beautiful said...


Magical and Beautiful said...

happy birthday pretty mama

[eeny] said...

Happy birthday, Summer.
Have a wonderful day with your sweet family.
Sending you a big birthday hug from across the ocean.

Lovely post by the way.

Anonymous said...

7... Such a great book!

Happy birthday to you.... Hoping your day turned out to be a great one!

ladylyn said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!

Laura Murphy said...

Have the happiest of birthdays!

It's nice to see another Jesus-follower who likes to watch the Oscars. It's a live show! What's not to love! We are still laughing about Adele Menzine.

When you have time to read another book, I am reading Christy right now (by Catherine Marshall). I'd read it twice before but it's entirely different to read it as an adult. You may have already read it. If not, you will love it.

Kari Rasmussen said...

Amen to trusting Jesus and British dramas!

Katherine said...

Happy Birthday, Summer! I hope you het to eat something yummy!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Summer! So fun to read this list...I'm borrowing the idea myself, my birthday is tomorrow and I love this way to chronicle exactly what's happening in my life today, in this season! Hope you are having a great birthday!!

Amanda said...

Happy belated birthday, Summer! I hope you had a fantastic day!

I watched About Time a while ago and loved it! I also might have cried, while saying to my boyfriend, "He just loves his family so much!"

P.S. We've made the Strawberry Soy Chicken twice now and LOVE it! I even got my friend to try making it! Thank you!



about this blog

Hello, I'm Summer. A people-loving introvert whose hope and life is in Jesus. His promises are my passion and my ministry is homelife. This blog is a place for me to write about everyday things. Especially food. My favorite thing to do is sit around a table, lingering over a long meal with good conversation. I live with my husband and our 2 littles. We like blizzards, thrifting, grammar, guacamole, cheerful hearts, nice manners, good movies, and making simple, real, nutrient-dense food.

"If Christ be anything, He must be everything."
-C.H. Spurgeon

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